A core concept in the ISIT Awareness System is that of “Abstraction“. This powerful concept refers to the underlying, fundamental patterns that lie under the surface of Reality. It involves reducing things to their bare essence. By abstracting concepts to the highest level, we attain Awareness and clarity about their true nature.
In the ISIT Awareness System, the concepts of AIO and The Other are Absolutely Abstract. In terms of the temporal reality in which we exist, we see the two forces of IS and IT as the highest possible level of Abstraction. But in reality, IS and IT are never separated. All of Creation is formed from the union of IS and IT. And this brings us to the next highest-level abstraction we can conceive of and actually do something with: the Object.
The term ‘Object’ is used as a form of Abstraction. It is an umbrella term that refers to a larger group of things that share a common attribute — that common attribute being that it is something that exists in Reality. That is literally the definition of ‘Object’ in the lexicon of ISITism.
In the ISIT Awareness System, the term ‘Object’ refers to anything that can possibly exist, from the most tangible things, like a bear or a watch or a car, to more ephemeral things like a song, an idea, or even the hazy recollection of a fragment of a dream. Anything that can be identified or named is an Object.
The ISIT Awareness System formalizes the Abstraction of the term ‘Object’, and further establishes Ten Immutable Attributes of Objects.
Ten Immutable Attributes of Objects
Following are Ten Immutable Attributes of Objects. ISITism asserts that these ten attributes apply uniformly to every single Object in Reality — that it would be impossible for any Object not to have any of these attributes.
- All Objects are a combination of IS and IT
- Corollary: IS provides the Essence and Energy in Objects
- Corollary: IT provides the Identity and Structure of Objects
- All Objects are subject to one larger “Host” Objects
- All Objects are Host to smaller “Subject” Objects
- All Objects have a Beginning
- Corollary: The Exact beginning point of any Object is impossible to identify
- All Objects have an End
- Corollary: The Exact ending point of any Object is impossible to identify
- All Objects have boundaries
- Corollary: The boundaries of all objects are unclear
- All Objects have attributes
- All Objects are unique
- All Objects Engage with other Objects
- The Great Object (aka, ISIT) is beyond our ability to Observe and Comprehend
Identifying these Immutable Attributes of ALL Objects provides us with a powerful tool that we can use to reason about the nature of Reality. It’s the philosophical equivalent of developing ASCII characters from binary digits. It’s exciting!
But is it valid?
Let’s dive deeper into this concept of Objects and their Ten Immutable Attributes and examine their validity.
1) All Objects are a combination of IS and IT
IS without IT is simply AIO Being AIO for One Eternal Instant. IT without IS is null and void. Either way, one of these elementary Aspects of Reality without the other can’t form an Object. Therefore, an Object must consist of both IS Essence and IT Nature.
Corollary: IS provides the Essence and Energy in Objects
AIO is the original source and prime mover, and IS is its representation in Reality. As such, IS is the active force that provides the purpose and drive that keeps Reality moving onward and upward. All Objects require an ISish aspect that gives it a raison d’ etre — reason for being.
Corollary: IT provides the Identity and Structure of Objects
IT is the opposite of IS. IT imposes the boundaries, borders and constraints that limit the flow and expansion of ISish energy. IT is about establishing laws, rules and restrictions. IT identifies and measures parameters, attributes and characteristics. IT provides the structure on which the Form and Identity of All Objects are based.
2) All Objects are subject to a larger “Host” Object
From Quantum Strings to the Cosmic Web, every identifiable Object is part of some form of Host, parent or environment. Without exception, every Object In Reality is a subset of a greater Object, which is a subset of a still greater Object. This must be true, because at a minimum, every Object is at least a subset of The Great Object — that Universal Object of which the Cosmic Web is but tissue. We can never hope to perceive the full scope of that Object, but we Believe that The Great Object must have a boundary that makes it a self-contained Object that is surrounded by Peer Objects within a still GREATER HOST, and so on, ad infinitum.
3) All Objects are Host to smaller “Subject” Objects
Just as All Objects are part of a greater Host Object, so All Objects are also Host to their own constituent Objects. Every Object is comprised of some form of smaller Objects. From the quarks inside a proton to the electrons in an atom to the cells of a body to stars in a galaxy, through countless layers of this nested Reality we see this pattern repeated consistently. So not only is this “Nested Objects” Attribute proven logically, but we see this pattern demonstrated, clearly and consistently, throughout our Reality.
A Quantum Physicist might argue that on the lower end of the scale the Plank length actually does mark the end of any downward scaling of Reality. At that level, sub-objects may not be of a form that we can relate to, but that doesn’t mean that the pattern doesn’t continue. Whether on the macro or micro end of the spectrum, just because our collective ability to comprehend Reality reaches its limit, doesn’t mean reality itself does. Reality is effectively Infinite. That means Infinity of Scale. Ponder that.
4) All Objects have a Beginning
The known Universe started at a specific point in time — with the Big Bang — and now every Object within that Creation share’s that Attribute. Since no Object in Creation now exists in the form it was at the beginning of the Universe, it follows that every Object must have had a beginning at some point after the Big Bang. This is an Immutable Attribute of Objects.
Corollary: The exact beginning point of any Object is impossible to identify
The Exact beginning point of everything is always fuzzy to a certain extent, or otherwise obscured from view. We can never hope to witness the beginning of the Universe, since in the very beginning of the Universe light didn’t yet exist.
Whether it is the point at which a cloud formed, an egg was conceived, or a car rolls off the assembly line, the exact point at which an Object springs into existence can never be precisely determined. No matter how closely you look, you will always find that you haven’t identified the exact point of origin.
This is consistent with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which shows that you can never pinpoint both the position and momentum of particles simultaneously. There is always some degree of uncertainty baked into the very fabric of every Object, including into their very origins.
5) All Objects have an End
Just as all Objects have a beginning, so all Objects have an end. On this assertion, however, we can’t rely on the logic that the known Universe has an end, because we don’t know that our Universe does have an end. What we do know is that it either will have an ending, in which case it shares that Attribute with every other Object, or it has no end, and just stretches on and on as it is for an Infinite distance and for Eternity. This second alternative seems exceedingly less likely since it breaks the consistent pattern of nested Objects we see throughout Reality.
On this matter we rely on our observation that throughout Reality this pattern we see repeated through roughly 60 orders of magnitude. Logic suggests that, given that we’ve seen this pattern repeated countless times, that the pattern would repeat. It would be extremely coincidental and convenient if the pattern just happened to stop repeating at the point where we lose the ability to perceive. We choose to Believe that this pattern of Host/Subject Objects repeats Infinitely. This is the scope of Infinity. And this is an Immutable Attribute of Objects.
Corollary: The exact ending point of any Object is impossible to identify
Just as the beginning of any Object is impossible to pinpoint, so is the end.
6) All Objects have boundaries
All Objects have some form of boundary that limits the sphere of its presence. We use these very Abstract terms to describe because this model applies to every Form of Object at every scale. Whether it is a Ferrari, a story in the imagination of a child, or a spec of interstellar dust, all Objects exist within a limited scope. These boundaries don’t necessarily have to be based on Time and Space. At the quantum level the ‘boundaries’ of Objects like bosons and quarks are of a very different nature from the body of a car. But one way or the other, all Objects have a limit to the extent of their presence or influence. That is their boundary.
Corollary: The boundaries of all objects are unclear
As with the beginning and end of Objects, just where the boundary of any given Object ends will always be unclear. Some things may have an incredibly well-defined border, like the glossy sheen of the body of that Ferrari. But if you zoom in with a microscope close enough, you’ll find that the surface of the paint is actually a pitted and pocked fuzzy landscape where the paint and the space between it enmesh in a hopeless tangle.
Corollary: The boundaries of all objects are permeable
The boundaries often serve the purpose of insulating and isolating Objects from their environment, but all Object boundaries are permeable to some degree. That means that other Objects on a smaller scale are able to penetrate through the boundary of the Object. Some Objects are more impermeable than others, but there is no Object that has a boundary that is completely impervious to any other Objects at any scale.
7) All Objects have Attributes
Having Attributes means that an Object can be described in some way relative to other Objects. Whether it is a measure of mass, dimensions, color, temperature, shape, vibrational frequency or any number of other defining characteristics, if an Object can be named or identified, then it must have attributes.
8) All Objects are Unique
Another undeniable pattern we see repeated throughout reality is that no two Objects are exactly alike. From galaxies to stars to planets to people to the proverbial snowflakes, we see that no two Objects are ever exactly alike. Even subatomic particles that, from our perspective, seem like they must all be exact clones of each other exhibit different behaviors. Photons have different vibrational frequencies. Electrons have different charges. Just because they behave in a quantum manner doesn’t mean that they don’t have subtle differences. Just because we don’t have the technology to detect the subtle differences among quarks, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
9) All Objects Engage with other Objects
Just as no man is an island, no Object in Reality exists in a state of Absolute isolation. Most Objects are deeply engaged with other Objects, exchanging energy and transforming the form of each other in a constant dance of creative destruction. Even a highly static Object like a rock absorbs heat from the sun during the day and emanates that heat into the air at night and is slowly eroded by the rain, eventually shedding it’s bulk into the Earth below. Even the tiniest spec of interstellar dust floating in the void between galaxies experiences the gravitational pull of those distant galaxies, and exerts its infinitesimal pull on them.
10) The Great Object is beyond our ability to Observe and Comprehend
There is only one Object to which we can’t theoretically apply every one of these Immutable Attributes, and that is the Great Object itself (i.e. ISIT) — The Universe that extends beyond our ability to ever perceive. Does this Great Object share all the Immutable Attributes of Objects? Or is it the ultimate Object that finally breaks the pattern?
This is a question that we will never be able to answer definitively until we learn to transcend the speed of light. Perhaps someday someone will design an experiment that can prove whether or not our Universe has finite boundaries so that we can measure the mass of the entire Universe (not just the Observable Universe). Until then, we can only use our reason and intuition to guide us to the answers in which we Choose to Believe.
Our reason and intuition lead us to the Belief that our Great Object is, indeed, an Object like all of it’s child Objects, and is therefore just one of countless other Objects drifting in an Infinite Reality.