Sacred Numerology
“God made the integers. All else is the work of man.”
Numbers are inherently Abstract. Other than the on/off, yes/no, IT/IS, binary level of abstraction, integers are as Abstract as it gets.
The subjects of Sacred Numerology and Sacred Geometry have filled volumes, so we can only begin to touch on them here. But it is important that we do, because they form the fundamental patterns upon which our Reality is based. As we have seen, and will continue to see, patterns tend to repeat. That’s what makes them patterns.
Recognizing patterns allows us to anticipate, predict and affect the future. Sacred Numerology and Sacred Geometry are at the very genesis of the patterns we see repeating all around us every day.
There are various approaches to sacred numerology and geometry from different cultures. The ISITAS approach to these subjects is not based on any pre-existing models, though it is inevitable that overlap will occur. Given that we are all trying to describe the same fundamental concepts it would be very odd if we didn’t largely agree. But as always, our approach is from the perspective of IS and IT.
We’ll start at the origin and expand from there.
1 – One
One is the number of Absolute Infinite One. What more can be said? Indivisible. Unified. Absolute. Infinite. One.
The geometric symbols for the number one include the single point, the circle, and a vertical line, as depicted in the Arabic numeral 1 as well as the Roman I.
‘One’ also stands for the individual unit, also represented by the I. That is our Identity. Our own unique twist on the same patterns that have been repeating since the beginning of time.
One is the origin. The Alpha and the Omega.
In the end, there is only One.
2 – Two
Two is associated with The Other, and represents the concepts of Duality. Binary. Parity. Equality. Symbols that represent this object are vertical parallel lines (i.e. the Roman numeral II), horizontal parallel lines (i.e. an equal sign), and dual circles (e.g. two eyes).
Two also introduces the concept of multiplicity, opposition, and conflict, represented clearly and simply by the plus sign, which juxtaposes the vertical line of One with the horizontal line of Two.
Just as the vertical line is associated with
Another elementary concept that could only be introduced along with two is the angle, which represents two different approaches to a point of origin.
3 – Three
One plus Two equals three. Three represents the combination of One and Two. One saw its reflection in Two and Chose to Engage. The circle of One merged with the lines of Two to form 3 — something altogether different, yet sharing Attributes of both.
Like 1, 3 is odd. There’s no denying it. And it is definitely the beginning of something new. And like 2, 3 is different.Three starts with One’s circle, merges it with Two’s angle, and produces something entirely new: the cone. The cone doesn’t just represent the combination of One and Two; it produces a whole new dimension of Reality. The Third Dimension.
Like Two, Three is based on lines and angles. Connecting the angles tangent points on the circle gives us Three’s signature shape — the triangle. The triangle and the circle, it turns out, are an excellent fit with each other in many ways, as the ancients from all over the globe knew well.
Three is indeed a magic number. It is dynamic and odd like one, and angular and relative like two. It is totally unique, yet fits together with others like 1-2-3. It represents novelty, simplicity, uniqueness and creativity.
s4 – Four
Four is basically Two redux. It isn’t creative like 3. IT just reflects and projects what IT knows — The Other becoming a mirror image of AIO. Now, in the face of this new Object — 3 — IT is stuck in terms of how to respond. So IT just duplicates it’s last move. It doubles down. IT’s answer to Three, is Two Twos: Four.
Two and four are a lot alike. First, they are both even — the first two even integers, in fact. Both are firmly based in Duality. And like all other even numbers, they can be divided evenly. Duality is the most fundamental and profound of all material forces. The number 4 echoes that force from 2, and amplifies it.
Square is the shape most closely associated with the number 4. Four sides. Four corners. It’s not a stretch.
The square easily relates to other shapes, as long as they are also squares, and more specifically, squares of the same size. Imagine building a giant block out of a bunch of much smaller blocks. If all the smaller blocks are exactly the same size, they line up perfectly and the larger block will be tight and solid. But if the smaller blocks are of various sizes, there will be gaps due to size differences that will ripple throughout the larger block and make it less sturdy. So squares are inherently inclined to need to be the same as each other.
The attributes we immediately think of when we think of squares are things like ‘conformity’, ‘uniformity’, ‘equality’, and ‘structure’. We could add other words directly associated with IT like ‘rigid’, ‘predictable’ or ‘definite’ to the list. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s they used to call people who matched these descriptions as ‘squares’. It was a perfect metaphor.
Four is the integer that best represents the Nature of IT. It reflectively mirrors the number 2, and ultimately reduces down to 2. It’s made of individual parts with definite divisions. It is inextricably linked with the square, which is associated with structure and materialism. The four equal sides and angles of a square attest to equality, parity and balance that are hallmarks of IT.
By now, the pattern is clear: Odd numbers, starting with 1 and 3, are associated with the dynamic and mysterious IS essence. Even numbers, starting with 2 and 4, are associated with the derivative and reflective state of IT.
We are only four integers into our numerological model and we’ve already got our blockbuster headline: IT Even, IS Odd!
Foundational declarations like the one above may seem arcane at this point, but they are very profound. We are just now establishing the most fundamental patterns inherent in the very fabric of our Universe, patterns that apply to everything that follows.
5 – Five
AIO has Chosen to Engage in this back-and-forth game with the Other, and the ball is back in its court with the number Five. Five, being odd, is clearly IS-oriented, and it represents an acceleration in the complexity of this numbers game. The Other may think it’s ending this game by putting Reality in a box with the number four, but AIO’s response with 5 is: ‘Game On’!
Five is the number of Creation. Up until 4, these numbers could only be highly Abstract. Three provided a three-dimensional aspect of relativity, and Four provided a foundation upon which to base Reality. Then Five came along to fill it up with all kinds of amazing variations!
Visually, five Objects naturally arrange themselves in a circle, giving a sense of motion and speed. It also can’t help but evoke a sense of a person with their head and four limbs. The number five is also well represented by our five fingers and toes on each limb, incredible creative instruments that reflect the spreading complexity of reality.
Five is a joyful number, rolling along, racing forward into adventure with complete abandon.
6 – Six
As IS and IT engaged in the Creation of Reality during those first nanoseconds, they manifested the numbers in sequence. IS introduced One and IT responded with Two. IS deviated to Three and IT countered with Four. IS expanded the game with Five, and IT’s response was predictable. IT simply repeats the pattern of adding another pair, making the next number Six. Six represents the repetitive nature of Reality, establishing a standard template that can be reliably replicated — the building blocks of our material environment.
In traditional numerology, Six is depicted as representing love, nurturing and a supportive home. This actually dovetails nicely with the ISIT model, where Six is all about support. If Four represents stability, then Six is stability on steroids. But the ITistic, even, number Six does seem to be evolving to be more compatible and cooperative with the ISish odd numbers. Instead of being the purely ITistic 2+2 or 2×2, Six incorporates the ISish number 3 (2×3). As our numbers expand, we see deeper integration of the ultimate concepts of IS and It.
The ubiquitous occurrence of carbon — the sixth element in the periodic table with a hexavalent nature — on which all organic compounds on Earth are based, testifies to the fact that Six provides a firm foundation for all of Reality that derives from the elementary numbers.
7 – Seven
In traditional numerology, the number seven is associated with seeking wisdom and Truth, with being a dreamer, and appreciating the mysteries of life. People who are associated with Seven tend to be loners, and maybe a little bit, well, odd. This dovetails nicely with the ISIT conception of Seven. As an odd number, Seven is clearly associated with AIO/IS and so is therefore naturally oriented towards mysterious Truth.
The number Seven is referred to frequently in the Bible, where it is associated with completion and perfection, again harkening back to it’s ultimately ISish origin. But like the number Six, Seven also carries on the emerging trend of blending ISish and ITistic numbers. Seven can be a sum of various combinations of the other smaller numbers (1+6, 2+5, 3+4). Notice that in each case the addends are both odd and even. Like Six, Seven demonstrates the fundamental nature of Objective Reality — ISish and ITistic elements merging together to form a single unique Object.
8 – Eight
Here we go again with the fourth ITistic number, and surprise surprise, it is simply a repetition of the pattern of simply adding another pair to the chain. In established numerology, the number Eight represents abundance. As well it should, because by now we can see that the ITistic tendency to duplication is apparently as Infinite as the ISish force that drives its growth. The number Eight multiplies the structure of Four and reinforces the stability of Six to ensure that physical manifestations of Objects in Reality will always continue.
The fact that the shape of the number Eight is the symbol for Infinity turned vertical is significant. We get the sense that we have now witnessed the complete integration of IS and IT in this number. Yes, it is primarily an ITistic number, but we can now clearly see that the pattern of repeating pairs will continue Infinitely.
The shape of the symbol also depicts another aspect of this number: Balance. As an even, ITistic number, balance and equity are inherently woven into the meaning of this number. Abundance is available to All.
9 – Nine
Number Nine is the last of the cardinal numbers, and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. As an odd number, it is obviously primarily associated with IS. But after Six, Seven and Eight increasingly show the merging of IS and IT, Nine completes the process. Nine is the first odd number that is divisible by another number (other than 1). It’s 3×3 format, manifests a divisibility and structure that is clearly associated with IT.
Nine is the most sophisticated number, with all kinds of interesting mathematical properties. It is inextricably woven into the fabric of sacred geometry, with all angles of primary shapes ultimately reducing down to the number 9.
In biblical numerology, Nine is considered sacred, and symbolic of completion and perfection of Humanity. It represents the fruit of spirit or the divine completeness from God. The nine months of gestation to create a fully-formed Human Being is one of the most profound manifestations of this sense that Nine represents the culmination of all the preceding numbers to form the ultimate Object.
10 – Ten
None of the cardinal numbers covered so far are the invention of Humanity. They are woven into the very fabric of Reality. They are just there, and we merely recognize that fact. The number Ten, on the other hand, is the Creation of Human Intelligence, and it represents the two most profound aspects of Reality:
- It reflects the concept that all Objects are made of IS (1) and IT (0)
- It reveals the Infinitely scalable nature of Reality. There is no limit to the number of 0s you can add to the end of a number
With the creation of Ten, Humanity demonstrated our inherent understanding of the ultimate nature of Reality and provided ourselves with a tool to solve any problem we can encounter.
Sacred numerology may seem like hocus pocus to many people, and its applicability to solving real-world problems is limited. On the other hand, just understanding that our Universe is based on such fundamental concepts that all ultimately resolve to Absolute Infinite One is incredibly important.
We live in a world that seems impossibly complicated at times, with countless facts and figures all mixed up with myriad objects and forces and swirling around us in a constantly changing kaleidoscope of confusion. But when we can relax into the simple awareness that all the confusion ultimately reduces to AIO, and that all the rest is simply an Illusion, we can release our concerns and appreciate the Peace, Joy and Abundance that is always and instantly available to us.
The ultimate purpose of the ISIT Awareness System is to provide a way to bridge the gap between the Abstract domain of AIO and the Derivative Reality in which we live. We are well on our way to accomplishing that by beginning with the unity of AIO and following with the Absolute Duality of IS and IT. By mapping the penultimate abstraction — numbers — to the ultimate Abstraction — the ISIT Duality — we have established a basis upon which we can further map less Abstract concepts to the ISIT model, and so on until we have developed a model that applies to any level of detail.
So let’s continue on our process of reducing the ultimate model of Reality through decreasing levels of abstraction, continuing with the next most abstract concept after Sacred Numerology: Sacred Geometry.